
Tool Grinding Machine


製造メーカー : The Bridge Port Safety Emery Wheel Co.
製造国・地域 : アメリカ・コロラド州 Bridgeport
製造時期 : 20世紀初期
寸法 :(間口×奥行×高さ)1400×500×1180mm
仕様 : 両砥石間の距離 1070mm、砥石の中心高さ 1040mm
駆動方式 : 電動機直結
展示エリア : G-2

This is a grinding machine with the main purpose of polishing tools such as cutting bits. A type with grindstones on both sides is also called a double-headed grinder. A bit cradle and a safety cover for the grindstone are attached in front of the grindstone. This grinding machine appeared at the time when grinding machines had attained almost all the features we see today.

Manufacturer: The Bridgeport Safety Emery Wheel Co.
Country and region of manufacture: Bridgeport, Colorado, USA
Manufactured: Early 20th century
Dimensions (width at front x depth x height): 1400 x 500 x 1180 mm
Specifications: Distance between the grindstones 1070 mm;
center height of grindstones 1040 mm
Drive: Direct connection to an electric motor
